VFIS University offers our clients quality online education and training courses for emergency responders, many of which are recognized as meeting industry continuing education requirements, and you'll receive a certificate upon completion of each course. All courses are available online 24/7 so that you can work to be better prepared for every call, help reduce your risks for injury and loss and increase your skillsets to better support your team and community — all from the convenience of your home or work computer. Access VFIS University here .
The Vanessa K. Free Driver Training Program on VFIS University is a free training program developed by VFIS to assist emergency services personnel comply with the Vanessa K. Free Emergency Services Training Act of 2005.Follow the instructions contained within this course to obtain the Vanessa K. Free Driver Training Program certificate of completion.
The FASNY OSHA Annual Refresher on VFIS University is a free training program developed by VFIS in partnership with FASNY. Follow the instructions contained within this course to obtain the FASNY OSHA Annual Refresher 2023 certificate of completion.
Provide personnel with knowledge to help them recognize the inherent dangers in responding to highway incidents, as well as best safety principles, strategies and practices. This video includes interviews about a fatal highway response incident and the Ten Cones of Highway Incident Safety.
This video stresses eight guidelines that may help reduce the number and severity of intersection accidents, and is intended for ESOs responding to incidents in both department and personal vehicles.
This is a video-based program which is part of the VFIS Risk Management Video Series. The VFIS Risk Management Video Series is also available as a DVD or USB and can be ordered online at: shop.vfis.com.
Help reduce the risk of damage and/or injury within your organization by explaining the importance of safe vehicle backing measures and learning best practices.
Based upon VFIS claims data and experience across North America, the goal of this program is to increase vehicle operation safety by applying basic principles of risk management and risk control. From emergency service organization leadership to emergency vehicle operators, each member "holds the keys" to safe emergency vehicle operations. This program provides an overview of claims data in North Carolina.
This program discusses the reasons Fire and EMS agencies should conduct background checks and the process to be used to assure members are free from backgrounds of concern.
This program is intended to introduce best practices to reduce the exposure to carcinogens and ultimately the number of cancer cases among emergency services personnel.
This program describes the importance of a cyber risk assessment, the legal and regulatory requirements related to cyber security, risks associated with cloud and third-party vendors, significance of industry standards and frameworks and preparing and/or reassessing your cyber incident response plan.
This program describes the role of all personnel related to cyber security, terms, legal and regulatory requirements, risks associated with cloud and third-party vendors, methods to safeguard against a cyber security incident and identify modern cyber threats and take action to prevent unauthorized access.
Drive Safe is a short, hard-hitting program on personal responsibility and mindful driving. It is suggested as mandatory training for all new personnel and serves as an excellent refresher and awareness program regarding driving safe and distracted driving impact.
Strains and sprains are the most frequent cause of fire and EMS personnel being injured in the workplace. These are considered ergonomic related injuries. This program reviews the implementation of engineering controls, administrative controls, or a combination of both to reduce back injuries.
This program is intended to provide an overview of a comprehensive rehabilitation plan which is a key element to ensure responder safety, recognizing potentially lethal symptoms early.
This program describes the Hazard Communication Standard and its implications for emergency services, workplace labeling and requirements, types of hazards by labels and sections of safety data sheets.
HIPAA requires the implementation of administrative, physical and technical safeguards to address the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Protected Health Information (PHI). This training provides an overview of the HIPAA law and the role healthcare workers play in maintaining HIPAA compliance. This course can be used for new employee orientation and as a refresher training for healthcare staff.
This program provides the background on why to conduct incident investigations and how to conduct an incident investigation. Describe the need for an attitude of prevention, the importance of incident investigation procedures, Forms are provided for use within the VFIS File Center.
This program provides the content and guidance for meeting the annual refresher training requirements for Bloodborne Pathogen and Communicable Disease for emergency service personnel.
This program is designed for future leaders, or current leaders. The session provides a discussion on the concept of leadership in the emergency services, introducing several different perspectives and applicable situations involving leadership, and allows the participant to consider tools and techniques for individual application.
This program takes an honest look at child sexual abuse in a variety of settings that provide services to children and teenagers, including fire/EMS agencies. This session offers considerations to help prevent child sexual abuse.
This program applies to firefighter involvement with equipment and circumstances in which the unexpected energization or start up or release of stored energy could cause injury to firefighters or civilians.
Managing Fire and EMS Agency Financial Systems is an important aspect of leading an organization in the 21st century. Thefts, embezzlement or similar loss situations create not only a financial challenge for the organization, but presents a negative image in the community. This program reviews the financial management issues that need to be well managed with emphasis on implementing specific systems providing checks and balances for managing funds.
This session discusses the needed resources, patient lifting and handling as well as transport of bariatric patients, to prevent emergency responders putting the patients, themselves and others at risk of injury.
A wide variety of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) may be used by emergency services personnel to protect themselves when performing hazardous tasks on an incident scene or around the station. This program serves as an orientation and annual refresher for proper inspection, maintenance, selection and use of common emergency services PPE.
This program is designed to aid in the national effort to reduce privately owned vehicle (POV) crashes. VFIS has designed this program to help emergency services organizations provide proper training and develop standard operating guidelines to help reduce the risk associated with driving POVs.
This program discusses the importance of maintaining a positive reputation as an emergency services organization. An organization must effectively prevent and mitigate reputational risk. Effective reputational risk management will enable public trust to be maintained.
This program defines what a safety culture is and a series of key points to help understand culture as it relates to safety, the importance of a risk assessment, methods to effectively manage and communicate change, and possible barriers to change.
VFIS believes strongly in the use of seat belts and supports the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation "Seat Belt Pledge". This program reinforces the importance of seat belts in emergency services.
This program discusses issues and concerns regarding sexual harassment and preventive practices to manage your organization's risk. The program provides annual refresher content.
Social media has increased the opportunity for emergency service organizations and its members to communicate. These communication opportunities create potential management challenges and related liabilities if there are no controls in place. This program will discuss the issues, concerns, and necessary actions to manage social media in an emergency services organization.
This program is intended to provide guidance for the best practices in station safety for the protection of (1) people, (2) vehicles, (3) tools & equipment, & (4) facilities.
This program discusses "Ten Key Issues Affecting Safe Vehicle Operations" based upon research and experience of VFIS in insuring emergency service vehicles and conducting vehicle safe driving research and training for more than 50 years.
This program defines what harassment is, gives examples of desirable behaviors and what crosses the line, and identifies the channels for reporting harassing behavior. This program is intended for all personnel within an organization.
This program defines what harassment is, gives examples of desirable behaviors and what crosses the line, and identifies the channels for reporting harassing behavior. This program is intended for management personnel within an organization.
This program is designed to familiarize personnel with the safety considerations for the identification, inspection, maintenance and use of common tools and equipment. Personnel are encouraged to understand the ten components of tool and equipment safety for all tools and equipment they may be expected to use. This program also serves as a basic introduction to fire extinguisher use.
The goal of this program is to increase vehicle operation safety by applying basic principles of risk management and risk control. From emergency service organization leadership to emergency vehicle operators, each member "holds the keys" to safe emergency vehicle operations.
This program discusses an operational overview designed for the participant to gain a better understanding of the awareness of the workplace violence issue, prevention techniques, and actions necessary when events occur.
VFIS University offers our clients 24/7 access to valuable education and training courses designed to educate staff, test their understanding and reduce the risks you face in your daily operations. Search our catalog for general training programs or courses unique to your operations.
The goal of this program is to increase vehicle operation safety by applying basic principles of risk management and risk control. From emergency service organization leadership to emergency vehicle operators, each member "holds the keys" to safe emergency vehicle operations.
All individuals have the right to fair and equal employment opportunities, which includes a harassment-free work environment.
The course discusses the following:
Every organization has a responsibility to protect their employees from harassment and to create a respectful work environment.
The course discusses the following:
The course discusses the following:
This video provides a thorough review of all types of abuse that may be identified, including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, financial exploitation, neglect, abandonment and self-neglect. The video includes candid interviews with healthcare workers who have identified abuse in their work experience and how they handled those situations.